Posted by: outroversion | April 13, 2011

Mariana’s Trench

Mariana’s Trench

I cannot get enough of this band recently. They’re one of those that are so good that I’ve put off writing about them until I can really do them justice. It couldn’t wait any longer.

Before I say anything, I think you should probably listen to this track-


Right?! All music should be like this! It’s Queen if they weren’t mainstream, Fall Out Boy if  they were fans of Ben Folds Five and the best parts of musical theatre all in one band. I have come across similar artists but these Canadians take it to another level. Where tenth stage have their niche and play to it Mariana’s Trench skirts around the genre and dozens of others to make for some seriously irresistable music.

They’ve been together 10 years but in that time have only released two albums, but two albums that have given them the strongest of fanbases and rightly so. Their hoardes of devoted “trenchers” spread the word and love with the same dedication you find in the Los Campesinos and Bright Eyes camps. Their second album, Masterpiece Theatre is exactly that- a theatrical masterpiece. It was released in 2009 with a Director’s cut the following year and has gone platinum in that time.

They’re currently working on their third album and you can download new track Beside You here.

Also huge thanks to Ariana for helping me find out about this awesome, awesome band.


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